Know the Signs. Take Action.

As they grow, children are always learning new things. These are just some of the signs to look for at each stage of a child’s early growth and development. Looking for early warning signs of childhood problems and obtaining follow-up care is one of the best ways of ensuring a child’s healthy and age-appropriate development.

At 3 months, does your baby:

  • use eyes to follow people and moving objects?
  • respond to loud sounds?
  • lift head while on stomach?
  • cry when hungry, wet or wants to be held?

At 6 months, does your baby:

  • reach for toys and pick them up?
  • roll over (both ways)?
  • turn to the sound of your voice?
  • make sounds?

At 9 months, does your baby:

  • respond to their own name?
  • copy a variety of sounds?
  • pick up things with fingers?
  • know the difference between strangers and family?

At 12 months, does your baby:

  • pull self to a standing position?
  • crawl on hands and knees?
  • wave bye-bye?
  • save one or two words, such as “mama” and “dada”?

At 18 months, does your baby:

  • use eight to ten words that are understood?
  • feed self some food?
  • walk without help?
  • show different emotions (happy, sad, mad)?

At 24 months, does your baby:

  • use two-word phrases, such as “more milk”?
  • run?
  • point to eyes and nose when you name them?
  • copy behavior and actions of other people (adults and other children)?

At 36 months, does your baby:

  • know their own name?
  • wash hands?
  • play with other children?
  • use three to five-word sentences?
Last Updated on June 19, 2023