The Northeast Health District of the Georgia Department of Public Health covers ten counties: Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Greene, Jackson, Madison, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, and Walton. Except where otherwise noted, the following information covers the 10-county District as a whole. The data will be updated on Thursday mornings each week
*Data was last updated 6/14/2023, 3:30 PM.

Guide to Understand the Data

Data Dictionary


DPH COVID-19 Status Report
CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker


COVID-19 Past 14 Days

The table below shows COVID-19 information for the past 14 days in the Northeast Health District.

Cases Deaths
Northeast Health District Totals 28 0

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District


Cases Over Time

Case numbers reflect cases reported daily

The graph below shows the daily number of COVID-19 cases reported in the 10-county district over time, with a line depicting the 7-day moving average. Case numbers reflect cases reported daily.

Northeast Health District

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District


County Information

The table below includes information organized by county on the total number of COVID-19 cases, the total case rate per 100,000, the case rate per 100,000 for the past 14 days, the total number of confirmed deaths, and the confirmed death rate per 100,000.

County Cases Case Rate Per 100K Case Rate Per 100K for Past 14 Days Confirmed Deaths Confirmed Death Rate Per 100k
Barrow 23,402 27,091 3 275 318
Clarke 31,208 24,047 9 252 194
Elbert 3,030 15,994 5 93 491
Greene 3,897 20,821 11 81 433
Jackson 21,889 29,303 8 298 399
Madison 6,859 22,729 7 109 361
Morgan 3,602 18,821 16 63 329
Oconee 8,335 19,970 5 107 256
Oglethorpe 2,824 18,530 20 60 394
Walton 19,619 20,476 16 428 447

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District  

Northeast Health District Deaths

The graph below shows the daily number of COVID-19 deaths reported over time, with a line depicting the 7-day moving average.

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District


Vaccine Information

The table below includes information organized by county on the percent of individuals who have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, the percent who are fully vaccinated, and the percent fully vaccinated who have received a booster.

County Percent With 1 Dose Percent Fully Vaccinated Percent Fully Vaccinated with a Booster
Barrow County 52 48 21
Clarke County 57 53 29
Elbert County 52 47 21
Greene County 69 64 35
Jackson County 56 52 24
Madison County 53 49 23
Morgan County 56 52 25
Oconee County 71 67 37
Oglethorpe County 51 48 24
Walton County 53 48 22
Northeast Health District 56 52 26

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District


Death Rate

Confirmed Deaths per 100 Cases
Northeast Health District 1.42

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District


COVID-19 Cases by Sex

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District

Sex Cases
Female 68,837
Male 55,519
Unknown 309


COVID-19 Deaths by Sex

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District

Sex Deaths
Female 795
Male 971


COVID-19 Case Demographics

The charts and tables below include information organized by age and race/ethnicity on the numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths and the case and death rates per 100,000 in the 10-county district.


Confirmed COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Race
Race Cases Deaths
African-American/ Black 24,194 337
American Indian/ Alaska Native 111 2
Asian 3,342 28
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander 93 0
Other 6,243 26
Unknown 7,339 2
White 83,343 1,371
COVID-19 Percentages by Race
Race Percentage of Cases Percentage of Deaths Percentage of Population
African-American/ Black 19.4 19.1 18.1
American Indian/ Alaska Native 0.1 0.1 0.5
Asian 2.7 1.6 2.8
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander 0.1 0.0 0.1
Other 5.0 1.5 NA
Unknown 5.9 0.1 NA
White 66.9 77.6 76.4

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District


Age Group

COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Age Group
Ages Cases Deaths
< 1 year 1,373 0
1 - 4 years 2,766 1
5 - 9 years 4,206 0
10 - 17 years 10,648 2
18 - 29 years 28,639 15
30 - 39 years 18,764 30
40 - 49 years 17,542 66
50 - 59 years 16,418 162
60 - 69 years 11,878 339
70 - 79 years 8,139 496
80 Years & Older 4,263 655
Unknown years 29 0

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District



COVID-19 Case and Death Rates by Race
Race Case Rate Per 100K Death Rate Per 100K
African-American/ Black 4,559 64
American Indian/ Alaska Native 21 0
Asian 630 5
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander 18 0
Other 1,177 5
Unknown 1,383 0
White 15,706 258
COVID-19 Case and Death Rates by Age Group
Ages Case Rate Per 100K Death Rate Per 100K
<1 years 259 0
01-04 years 521 0
05-09 years 793 0
10-17 years 2,007 0
18-29 years 5,397 3
30-39 years 3,536 6
40-49 years 3,306 12
50-59 years 3,094 31
60-69 years 2,238 64
70-79 years 1,534 93
80 & Older years 803 123
Unknown years 5 0

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District


COVID-19 Deaths with Prior Chronic Condition

*Charts/graphs reflect data for the 10-county Northeast Health District

Chronic Condition Deaths
No 1,131
Yes 503
Unknown 132